Retrieving the Volume Serial Number |
(Windows Only)
Note that if you point it to the "A" drive, you will get either "0000-0000" or will get a "Disk not found" result (depending on your version of Windows), and if you point it to a removeable drive (like a CD or Zip drive) and there is no media in the drive, you will get a "Disk not found" response.
on mouseUp answer GetVolumeSN("C") end mouseUp function GetVolumeSN pDiskLetter local volumeSerialNumber -- Supports both "C", "C:" and "C:\" styles put char 1 of pDiskLetter & ":" into pDisk set the hideConsoleWindows to true put shell("dir " & pDisk) into tDirData return (word -1 of line 2 of tDirData) end GetVolumeSN