Supported HyperCard Callbacks for XCMDs/XFCNs |
(Mac Only)
Right: we didn't put the rest in the MC external API because they're either standard C library routines, or are only needed by routines written in Pascal (which the MC external API doesn't support).
> Perhaps Scott wishes to deprecate the others in
> externals written specifically for MC/Rev - fair enough. But that still
> leaves anyone with an existing external to modify (possibly to make
> cross-compatible with MC and HC) somewhat in the dark. So I still think it
> would be nice to
> a) get a definitive list of the HC compatible callbacks that are
> supported, in addition to the MC-specific ones
As I've stated before, this is the HC 1.2 API, and includes the conversion routines for Pascal strings and such. Don't know where you'd find this list now, given that it's circa 1989 (we have the original 1.2 HC doc that has it), but here's the list directly out of the engine source:
You can also find this list in the file "HyperXCmd.h" if you can find that file for HC 1.2 or earlier. I can only find 2.X versions which have lots of other stuff that we can't support because it's specific to the architecture of HyperCard (e.g., external windows, TextEdit handles, their debugger, etc.)xreqSendCardMessage xreqEvalExpr xreqStringLength xreqStringMatch xreqSendHCMessage xreqZeroBytes xreqPasToZero xreqZeroToPas xreqStrToLong xreqStrToNum: xreqStrToBool xreqStrToExt xreqLongToStr xreqNumToStr xreqNumToHex xreqBoolToStr xreqExtToStr xreqGetGlobal xreqSetGlobal xreqGetFieldByName xreqGetFieldByNum xreqGetFieldByID xreqSetFieldByName xreqSetFieldByNum xreqSetFieldByID xreqStringEqual xreqReturnToPas xreqScanToReturn xreqScanToZero
Posted 10/25/2002 by Scott Raney to the MetaCard List (See the complete post/thread)