Setting Custom Properties From Within One |
NOTE: The tip below no longer applies to MetaCard 2.5/Revolution 2.0 or later. It was deemed a bug, and was fixed. The following tip still works, however, and so is left for those users of earlier versions of MC/Rev. |
> Does anyone else have an opinion on the inability of rev/MC to activate
> a setProp handler from within one. I can understand not being able to
> activate the one your in but not being able to activate others sucks.
> It causes you to do stupid workarounds like using a handler when you
> really wanted to use a setProp.
Normally, you can trigger a setProp
in another object; you just can’t
trigger any setProps
in the object you’re in. For example, suppose you had
two buttons with the following scripts:
If you do:-- Button 1 setProp age answer "Age" set the lemon of button 2 to 1 end age -- Button 2 setProp lemon answer "Lemon" end lemon
set the age of btn 1 to 10
You will get two dialogs: "Age" and "Lemon".
However, there is a workaround that will let you trigger another setProp
the same object... here’s the script:
If you do:-- Button 1 setProp age answer "Age" send "set the lemon of me to 1" to me in 10 milliseconds pass age end age setProp lemon answer "Lemon" end lemon
set the age of btn 1 to 10
You’ll get the same two dialogs: "Age" and "Lemon".
Hopefully this will be fixed in the next version of MC/Rev.
Posted 6/21/2002 by Ken Ray to the Use-Revolution List (See the complete post/thread)