l i v e c o d e

Understanding ImageData, MaskData and AlphaData
Mac OS 9 Mac OS X Windows Linux

UPDATE 7/29/02: The MetaCard 2.4.3 engine (used by MetaCard 2.4.3 and Revolution 1.5A7 or later) fixed a bug that was identified in the Tip below relating to the order of the color bytes in imageData.

The Tip on this page is based on the MetaCard 2.4.2 engine and earlier.

If you have a version of MetaCard/Revolution that uses the MetaCard 2.4.3 engine or higher, you can view the revised Tip for assistance.

After some trial and error, there is a rhyme and a reason to MetaCard/Revolution’s imageData, maskData and alphaData properties. Keep in mind that it appears that BOTH MetaCard’s AND Revolution’s documentation on this is a bit off, so hopefully either (a) I will be proven wrong, or (b) their documentation will be fixed. — Editor.

The Basics

Each image object can store an image, for example, when you import one from disk or create one using MC/Rev’s paint tools.
Pixels: The actual image in each image object can be described as having X * Y pixels, where X is the width of the image and Y is the height. That is, a 20 x 40 image has 800 (20 x 40 = 800) pixels.
Bits: The image is composed of a sequence of 32-bit binary values (key in on the word binary), so each pixel in an contains 32 bits; eight for red, eight for green, eight for blue and eight for something else (an alpha value, I think. I’m going to call it “Other” for the purposes of this tip. — Ed.). An example of the binary value for 129 is 10000001.
Bytes: There are eight bits in a byte, so each pixel is composed of four bytes. Each byte can represent a value from 0 to 255 (00000000 = 0, 11111111 = 255).
Based on the above, our 20 x 40 image has these stats:

Type Calculation Total
Pixels 40 x 20 = 800
Bytes 40 x 20 x 4 = 3,200
Bits 40 x 20 x 4 x 8 = 25,600

Byte Order: Each pixel is represented by four bytes. Depending on what operating system you’re in, the order is different; in Windows, the order is Blue, Green, Red, Other. In Macintosh, ther order is Other, Red, Green, Blue. The Other byte is always 0.

IMPORTANT! This is the key to working with imageData in MetaCard/Revolution. If you don’t get the byte order correctly as BGRO (in Windows) and ORGB (Macintosh), you will not get anywhere with your image manipulation code.

Also note that this is an acknowledged bug in MetaCard/Revolution, and has been fixed in the MetaCard 2.4.3 engine (used by MetaCard 2.4.3 and Revolution 1.5).

Example So Far

Using the basic information above, a three pixel (1 row by 3 pixels) image where the first pixel is pure Red, the second pure Green and the third pure Blue ( ) would have the following (remember the odd byte order):

  Red Pixel Green Pixel Blue Pixel
Pixel 1 2 3
Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bit Blue Green Red Other Blue Green Red Other Blue Green Red Other
Bit Value 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000
Byte Value 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 0

Retreiving Image Data

The imageData property: The 32-bit binary values are retrieved from an image by asking for the imageData of an image (and can be stored in a variable or custom property for later use). You can retrieve the bytes of imageData (remember there are 4 of them for each pixel) as an ASCII value by asking for the charToNum(char X of the imageData of imageDescriptor), where X is the byte number to retrieve.

Why does this work? Well, if you notice that the byte values in the table above are able to contain a value from 0 to 255, and you consider that the ASCII value of a character is also from 0 to 255, it makes sense to be able to retrieve the numeric value of a byte by thinking of the bytes of an image as characters, and then using charToNum to get the value.

So in our 3-pixel image example above (which we’ll call "ThreePixel"), if you executed...

answer charToNum(char 6 of the imageData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 255 displayed in the Answer dialog, which would correspond to the Green bit of the second pixel of our image.

Note also that if you...

answer length(the imageData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 12 displayed in the Answer dialog (because it shows the number of characters, or bytes in the imageData, and since there are 4 bytes of imageData for every pixel, you get 12 in the result).

The maskData property: This is a property of an image where it is an all-or-nothing mask of a given pixel of an image. Note that this is dealing with pixels, not bits. The maskData contains 8-bit (1 byte or character) binary values that have a value that is either zero or non-zero. If the value is 0, that pixel is transparent. If the value is non-zero, the pixel is opaque. You can retrieve the ASCII value of a pixel’s maskData in the same way you do with imageData above.

So in our 3-pixel image example, if you executed...

answer charToNum(char 1 of the maskData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 255 displayed in the Answer dialog, which would correspond to the default non-zero value for the mask of the Red pixel in our image. Since it is 255, the pixel is opaque. Note also that if you...
answer length(the maskData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 3 displayed in the Answer dialog because it shows the number of characters, or bytes in the maskData, and since there is 1 byte of maskData for every pixel, you get 3 in the result).

The alphaData property: This is a property of an image where you can impose a variable level of transparency for a given pixel of an image. Note that like maskData, this is dealing with pixels, not bits. The alphaData contains 8-bit (1 byte or character) binary values that have a value from 0 to 255. If the value is 0, the pixel is transparent. If the value is 255, the value is fully opaque. Any other value inbetween sets a level of transparency (i.e. 128 would make the pixel 50% transparent). You can retrieve the ASCII value of a pixel’s alphaData in the same way you do with imageData above.

So in our 3-pixel image example, if you executed...

answer charToNum(char 1 of the alphaData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 255 displayed in the Answer dialog, which would correspond to the fully opaque value for the alpha level of the Red pixel in our image.

You probably noticed that it is similar to the maskData property, and can effectively do everything maskData can do and more. So why not just use alphaData all the time? The reason is that alphaData takes a lot longer to execute than maskData, so if you just want to turn pixels on and off, you’re better off using maskData.

Note also that if you...

answer length(the alphaData of image "ThreePixel")
... you would get 3 displayed in the Answer dialog because it shows the number of characters, or bytes in the alphaData, and since there is 1 byte of alphaData for every pixel, you get 3 in the result).

Setting Image Data
Keep in mind that you don’t set specific parts of imageData, maskData or alphaData, you set these properties as a whole. That is, let’s say you want to make the second row of pixels in an image to be transparent. You choose to set the maskData of these pixels to 0, and you’ll need to use the binaryEncode function in order to set the binary data (remember that all of this image information is stored in binary). Here’s a simple example that will do that:

on mouseUp
  put the imageData of img 1 into iData
  put empty into mData
  put the height of img 1 into tH
  put the width of img 1 into tW
  put binaryEncode("C",0) into transparentPixel
  put binaryEncode("C",255) into opaquePixel
  repeat with i = 1 to tH   -- iterate through each row
    repeat with j = 1 to tW   -- iterate through each column
      if i = 2 then
        put transparentPixel after mData
        put opaquePixel after mData
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat
  set the maskData of img 1 to mData
  set the imageData of img 1 to iData
end mouseUp
You can see that the maskData was set as a whole.

IMPORTANT! You need to set the imageData of the image after you have applied a mask or an alpha change. It doesn’t seem to work if you do it the other way around.

There are two basic uses of binaryEncode when setting imageData, maskData, or alphaData. In both of these instances, you are setting the equivalent of one pixel of the image.

The first is used to set imageData:

The second is used to set maskData or alphaData:
In the cases above, redByte, greenByte, blueByte, and maskOrAlphaByte each contain a value from 0 to 255.

To show you how this works, below is a script that creates a 20 x 20 pure blue image, that is set to 50% transparency:

on mouseUp
  create image
  put it into tID
  set the width of tID to 20
  set the height of tID to 20
  put empty into iData
  put empty into aData
  put binaryEncode("CCCC",0,0,0,255) into bluePixel
  put binaryEncode("C",128) into halfTransPixel
  repeat with i = 1 to 400
    put bluePixel after iData
    put halfTransPixel after aData
  end repeat
  set the alphaData of tID to aData
  set the imageData of tID to iData
end mouseUp
Conclusions and a Note of Caution
As you can see, you can manipulate image information quite easily once you understand how everything is stored. I will be uploading examples of how to do simple image manipulations to my site, so you’ll get a chance to see first hand how to use these powerful features of MetaCard/Revolution.

One note of caution, however, is that any changes you make to the image data of an image is permanent; if you screw up, you will have to reimport the original image to get it back to the way it was. One way around this is to store in a custom property of the image a copy of the original imageData prior to manipulating it; something like:

set the origData of image 1 to (the imageData of image 1)
You can always restore it later if you mess up:
set the imageData of image 1 to (the origData of image 1)
I know it takes up more space, but in my experience, it’s worth it.

Posted 7/2/2002 by Ken Ray
Updated 7/3/2002 by Ken Ray

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