s u p e r c a r d

The following links might be useful in your development with SuperCard:

Link Quick Description
Solutions Etcetera The makers of SuperCard, along with the SuperCard Language Guide, and related products and services.
Yahoo Groups The location of the SuperCard list.
SuperCard Resource This site is a "one-stop shop" of all things SuperCard. If you haven't bookmarked this page... do it! :-)
Matteo Varisco’s Site Matteo has created a number of add ons for SuperCard 3.6, such as list objects, table objects, calendar objects and more. Check it out! (The site is in both English and Italian.)
Carl Manaster’s Site Carl’s page has several downloads, including Project Editor/Tangerine extensions.
M. Uli Kusterer’s Site Uli’s page has SuperCard downloads, including special projects for SuperCard 4.
Mike Yenco’s Site Mike makes a number of products with SuperCard, including iKeeper, Agenda and iEvents.
Chilton Webb’s WebbToys Chilton has a bunch of externals for manipulating files, accessing Apple’s Help, and more!

Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks
The following tips and tricks were culled from personal experience and from the SuperCard community. Tips for SuperCard 3.x is noted with the SC3 icon (SuperCard 3.x) and tips for SuperCard 4.x is noted with the SC4 icon (SuperCard 4.x). Known bugs and workarounds ("bug tips") are noted with the bug icon (Bug Tip):

env001 - Getting the MAC Address SuperCard 4.x Only
Expanded Message Box
msg001 - Displaying an ASCII table SuperCard 3.x Only
Cool Handlers
hand001 - Making Return Automatically Hit the Default Button All SuperCard Versions
inet001 - Using 'curl' to Download Files (and More!) SuperCard 4.x Only
osx001 - Converting OS 9 File Paths to OS X For Use With Shell() SuperCard 4.x Only
osx002 - Understanding Directories in OS X SuperCard 4.x Only
Process Management
proc001 - Hiding a Process in OS X (Making a Backgrounded App) SuperCard 4.x Only
Runtime Editor
rte001 - Sending 'startup' to a Project Opened in the RTE SuperCard 4.x Only

Have fun with these SuperCard downloads:

  Item Description
RTEHacks Installer
This utility will install a script that sends the startUp message to projects you open in the RTE
Minimum Requirements: SuperCard 4.x
By Bruce Martin, Illuminator Software
This Xfcn lets you set the Dock icon for a running SuperCard application at runtime.
Minimum Requirements: SuperCard 4.x
By Bruce Martin, Illuminator Software
SysIcon Browser
This utility lets you browse through all the different system icons you can use with SC 4.
Minimum Requirements: SuperCard 4.x
By Andy Baird
SC3 Project Converter
Version 1.0
This application can convert one or more projects that were created in SuperCard version 1.x or 2.x format to 3.x format.
Minimum Requirements: none
By Ken Ray
CLUT Editor
Version 1.0
This Extension for the Project Editor provides a built-in Color Lookup Table (CLUT) editor inside SuperCard. You can do blends, color replacement, import and export CLUT values, etc.
Minimum Requirements: SuperCard 3.x, Project Editor
By Ken Ray
Version 1.0
This Extension for the Project Editor increases the performance in the Project Editor my modifying the way the PE updates its palettes.
Minimum Requirements: SuperCard 3.x, Project Editor
By Ken Ray
XTend Descriptions
Version 1.5
These three downloads document the PopupMenu, Dir and PrintField XFCNs using the same format as that of the SuperCard Language guide.
Minimum Requirements: A text editor, preferably Microsoft Word
By Ken Ray

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