q u e s t i o n n a i r e

The questionnaire below is intended to aid in determining what authoring tool(s) may be used to convert you software, and/or to provide additional information to us on your software’s development environment and proposed deployment options. The answers to the questions, along with the actual software’s required functionality will allow us to provide an accurate estimate and choose the best tool(s) for conversion.

Please fill out the form below and click the Send Questionnaire Data button, which will send your questionnaire responses to us via email.

Items marked with an * are mandatory.
Contact Information
Web Site
Project Information
Project Name*
Authoring Tool Used to Create Project If "Other", please state:
Conversion Questions
(Please answer all of the questions below.)
1) What platform(s) do you want to deploy to? Mac OS 9
Mac OS X
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT 4
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Other UNIX
Palm OS
Windows Mobile (Pocket PC)

2) What is your preferred authoring tool or database program for this conversion?

3) If you are converting from a Mac-only or Windows-only product to a cross-platform product, would you consider having the two platforms developed in different authoring tools?

(Note: This would require maintaining two separate, but similar code bases [like SuperCard for Mac and ToolBook for Windows]. This may be potentially worthwhile if it reduces conversion time/cost, but requires more maintenance.)

Yes, I would consider maintaining two separate, but similar code bases
No, I want a single, cross-platform code base (like Director or MetaCard)
Not applicable - I'm not converting to a cross-platform implementation

4) Do you want to have your software ported over exactly as it is, or would you be interested in design/interface feedback (and possible design/interface changes with your approval)? Yes, I would be interested in design/interface feedback
No, I need to keep the design/interface as it is

5) How is your software currently distributed?
If it is commercial or shareware, what is the cost and licensing for your software?

6) Do you want to have an installer developed for each of the platforms you wish to deploy to, or will you handle this yourself? Yes, add to the estimate the cost for developing an installer
No, I'll make my own installer(s)

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